Cover design: Stephen Mulcahey, Artwork: Leah Moran
The Saxon Sword
Historical fiction, medieval historical fiction, action and adventure, women’s lit.
The year is 603 AD. Seven Saxon kingdoms dominate the east of Britain while the beleaguered British plot to reclaim their land.
On a remote Scottish island, a baby girl, Artemis, is born. As a child, she is determined to unravel the mystery of her father’s identity. As a young woman with the heart of a warrior, she leaves home to find her father and faces many dangers on the road.
Fate leads Artemis into the kingdom of Northumbria where Edwin reigns as High King of Britain. In the turbulent court of King Edwin, Artemis is oath-bound to protect a princess, but can she prove her worth in a man’s world? Is she worthy of wielding the Saxon Sword?

“Utterly compelling.”
Alison Brackenbury

“A very accomplished debut.”
Annie Whitehead
Author and Historian

“A journey story you never want to end.”
Edoardo Albert
Author and Historian

“A true woman warrior! Artemis matures as the story develops, with moments of high drama and at times a fresh viewpoint on accepted history. I loved the slightly more feminist take on Bede’s ‘flight of the sparrow’ and looked forward to well-known historical characters making their appearances.”
Theresa Tomlinson

The Saxon Sword has the flavour of a mature, experienced author who knows her craft. It puts me in mind of old childhood favourites like Rosemary Sutcliff, Joan Aiken, Cynthia Harnett and more recently Celia Rees or Sally Gardner. Just love it… Bring on Book Two!”
Nuala Keller
Song writer and musician (Cobalt Tales)

“Once known as the Dark Ages, Hill shows us what a vibrant and complex world it truly was. The clash of original Britians, Saxons, Picts, the remains of the Roman Empire, pagans and Christians makes for a compelling tale.”
Jean M. Roberts

Coming Soon!
The Song of Artemis Book Two
Conflict between the Welsh King Cadwallon and King Edwin of Northumbria turns Artemis’s world upsidedown. Now she must fight to keep her loved ones safe.
“I am completely hooked on this brillant story. Hurry with the follow up I can’t wait to continue this epic tale. “
Amazon Review